Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring is in the Air

This week was quite inspiring for me. When spring begins to emerge in all its glorious forms, it cannot help but cause our spirits to lift a little. New life, rebirth, fresh tender growth all appear to remind us of the cycle of life that is unstoppable and never ending.

My robins have begun their process of nesting under my back deck. Each year they pick a different cubby hole and create the home for their new family. I look forward to it each year. I try to be a little quieter when I'm working in that area of the yard, or hanging laundry to dry on the deck. I don't like to disturb them. I still get scolded by the parents when I am in close proximity to the nest. I try to reassure them that I am safe and harmless, but they would rather I just steer clear! I look forward to the babies arrival each year, and the choreographed dance of the parents collecting food and feeding the fledglings. I love seeing the babies gain their bird-like appearance and am always sad, but a little proud, on the day I discover that the nest is empty!

Other birds are also making their rounds in my yard, collecting grass, moss and twigs for their nest. Each year when I cut the perenial grasses down, I make sure and leave lots of grass strands around the beds so I can 'assist' the parents in creating their dream home for raising their families! It's amazing to watch a teeny tiny bird pick up piece after piece of grass, making quite a thick bundle, without dropping anything! Then, at last, when they have a 'full load' they lift off and fly to the building site. Their tenacity, certainty and the ease of their efforts inspire me!

The people who own the gym I work out in raise sheep. There are several new babies in the field this past week. One was so tiny - brand spanking new. How precious they are as they huddle together for warmth... fuzzy and sweet. Who can resist the site of a new baby of any species??

Finally, I had my first mother duck and duckling siting last week. The mother had a dozen little fuzzy ducklings waddling after her. Ducks are one of my very favorite creatures! Seeing the new life in all of its adorable appeal sends my heart leaping.

After the dark night comes dawn. After the deep freeze comes the thaw. After winter comes spring. It's the natural order of things. It never fails us.

I believe that we are given the seasons as a reminder of the order of the universe and the cycle of life. The spring, in particular, is a reminder that there is always a new beginning - in its right time and place. We can depend on that.

Look around you today and see the signs of the new beginnings that are available to us with the spring time. Let it be a reminder to you that the light always follows the darkness and that the new comes after the old lets go!

Happy Spring!

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