March 4th, 1992 was the transition date for one of the primary spiritual teachers in my life, Jack Boland.
I met Jack Boland in 1987 when I moved to Detroit Michigan to work as a systems engineer. It was a huge move for me to leave my beloved Pacific Northwest for the Midwest and bid my friends and family farewell. I was alone in Southfield Michigan, except for one friend from college who had gone to work for the same company.
I often say that my move to Michigan was for two primary reasons: to meet and learn from Jack Boland, and to be united with my kitty soul mate, McKenzie.
Jack Boland was the founder and senior minister of the Church of Today in Warren Michigan. Church of Today (now known as Renaissance Unity) is a Unity Church. When I went to the church for the first time, I felt as though I was listening to my teacher and mentor Dr. Charles Bruni. I knew I had found another spiritual teacher in Jack Boland. He has had, and continues to have, a profound impact on my life.
Jack had an enthusiasm and a clarity about life that I've never experienced in another person. Nothing every swayed him from his understanding of Spiritual Principle and Universal Truth. He was a master teacher.
Jack could have been a stand up comedian! He had such a great sense of humor and was extremely skilled at getting people to look at themselves and their challenges with compassion and humor.
I've never known anyone with such a gentle and loving disposition. Although I didn't know him personally, you could feel his authentic and genuine warmth when you listened to him speak.
I had to drive an hour each way to attend Jack's church. I did that every Sunday (and sometimes on Wednesday nights) for the entire year that I lived in Southfield.
For many years after I moved away from Michigan, I subscribed to the tape ministry program of the Church of Today and received the Sunday Lessons on cassette tape. (I know... I know.... old school!)
When Jack passed away in 1992, I contacted the church and purchased several years of back sermons by Jack. I have an awful lot of his recorded services in my library. I still listen to them regularly and am inspired and motivated to reach higher because of Jack's teaching.
I have quoted Jack an extraordinary amount over the years! I would not be the same person if it weren't for Jack Boland. In fact, he's one of two people that I credit with the fact that I'm still on the planet. His messages have helped me grow personally and spiritually each and every year since I met him.
For 20 years, I have used the journaling and goal setting process that Jack created. I purchase the Mastermind Goal Achiever's Journal every year from the Church of Today. It is an awesome tool for setting your goals and intentions and tracking the progress of your spiritual growth.
Jack passed away after a long experience with cancer. It was the third time in his life that he had this disease. I, and many others, witnessed his moving through that illness with dignity and grace. He passed away on a day that carried the message that he himself demonstrated throughout his entire life: March Forth!
Here is a link to a tribute that I have to Jack on my website:
Jack Boland Tribute
Here is a link to the Renaissance Unity bookstore and Jack's recorded programs:
The Best of Jack Boland at Renaissance Unity
If you ever have the opportunity to listen to any of his programs or to read his book you will benefit immensely.
Thanks Jack! Your contribution greatly enriched and impacted my life. I appreciate and remember you every day that I'm alive!
.... And that's the way it really is!

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