Monday, February 01, 2010

In Celebration of my Mother

Yesterday was my mother's 75th birthday!! It's hard for me to believe, actually. She certainly doesn't look... or act 75!

My mom spent her birthday supporting me, as she always has, while I was giving a talk at a church near her home.

We did have the opportunity to go out for dinner the night before to celebrate her big day!

My mom's willingness to support me, even on a day that should have been 'all about her' was yet another example of the many times in my life that she put me (and my brothers) first, before herself.

She has always wanted us all to be happy and healthy and she's done all she could to help us towards that goal.

I have a great mom! I'm filled with gratitude that I have her... and that she's still with me - strong as ever!

Sometimes she teases me that she's going to come back and haunt me when I'm 75... because I expect her to keep up with me and don't cut her a lot of slack! We always chuckle when she says that, but the truth is... she keeps up just fine!

Thanks mom... for all that you have given me. Happy Happy Birthday!

My mom and I - a few years ago