Monday, February 08, 2010

The Simplest Sensation

I had a really busy week last week. Each day was filled with a lot of productive and fruitful labor. When the weekend came, I worked and played even harder than I had during the week!

I drove quite a ways to visit my mother. I helped her buy a new computer and spent many, many hours setting up and configuring the new machine, moving her data over to it, etc. I stayed up into the wee hours of the night working on it, and got up to start again early in the morning.

After all the busy-ness of the week, and the marathon sessions to get this new computer up and running, I met up with some of my cousins to watch the superbowl and do a little fun gambling at a local casino. We enjoyed the game and then about 7 hours of gambling afterwards.

At the end of all this activity, I was truly exhausted. It came time for us all to say goodnight, and we made our plans to meet up for breakfast in the morning.

All i really wanted to do was go to bed, but something appealed to me even more. I decided to take a nice, hot shower. I felt a little keyed up after all the frenzied activity of the week, but especially the past two days. I figured the shower might help me relax, unwind and get to sleep a little easier.

How can such a simple thing... such a basic sensation be so amazing! The fatigue and exertion of the past week just melted off of me in that late night indulgence. I don't do that very often. Usually I shower in the morning, or earlier in the day. i don't usually shower super late at night (well actually it was very early the next morning!) Something about showing at that late hour made it seem super self indulgent!

It was very relaxing, and refreshing. It made a huge difference in how I felt.

Sometimes we think we need to do something grandiose in order to feel better, or reward ourselves for a job well done or a day well lived.

Simple acts can have profound beneficial impact. Even something like a shower at the end of a long, hard day or week. It doesn't have to be a huge act to soothe and uplift us!