Monday, November 03, 2008

My Sense of Humor is What Got Me Through

Sometimes, God finds ways to give us messages from most unexpected sources.

I drove to see my mom this weekend, and stopped for lunch at a fast food place on my way. As I was getting my straw and condiments from the condiment bar, a woman came up beside me to do the same. Her companion was on her way to get them a table.

The woman next to me called out, "Get a window seat!!" She looked at me, smiled and said,"That way, we can look out on lovely South Tacoma!"

Now, it's important to understand that we were in a particularly unattractive area of this town.

I smiled at her and said, "I like your attitude!"

She said, "Hey... my sense of humor is the only thing that's gotten me through in life!"

I said, "Well, that's a great way to handle life!"

As I continued on my drive I thought about what the woman had said. Who knows what her trials and challenges have been. I'm sure she's had many, just like we all have.

As I've been going through several difficult experiences lately, and am witnessing several friends go through the toughest of challenges, this woman's words really struck me.

She relied on her sense of humor and her attitude to carry her through whatever she faced. From looking at her, this practice had served her well.

I've been feeling a little 'picked on' lately, and have lost a bit of my sense of humor. I'm taking some inspiration from the lady at Taco Time... and going to work on pulling myself up by my bootstraps and performing an 'attitude adjustment' on myself!

Thanks Taco Time Lady... and Thanks to God and the Universe for delivering such a friendly reminder!

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